Come To Latin America Swallow The Sun ( Mikko Kotamäki)
Come To Latin America Swallow The Sun (Mikko Kotamäki) Come To Latin America is a non profit Finnish Metal Music Competition In Latin America. Main sponsor: Ministry of Education and Culture Finland Partners: Nuclear Blast South America Bloodblast Distribution Innovated organized by Niina Fu Oy Video: Ykä Järvinen, Valtteri Lahikainen, Fernanda de Souza Nunes Music: V:IHS , cometolatinamerica, swallowthesun, mikkokotamäki, ambassador, theriffbar, helsinki, finnishheavymetal, metalfromfinland, cometolatam, cometobrazil, cometochile, cometoperu, cometoargentina, cometomexico, cometouruguay