The Magic Sword (1962) Basil Rathbone, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Full Length Movie
The Most Incredible Weapon Ever Wielded The son of a sorceress, armed with weapons, armour and six magically summoned knights, embarks on a quest to save a princess from a vengeful wizard. aka The Seven Curses of Lodac Director: Bert I. Gordon Writer: Bert I. Gordon, Bernard C. Schoenfeld Stars: Basil Rathbone, Estelle Winwood, Gary Lockwood Genre:Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Action Adventure, Classics CCC Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction title credits Full Length Movie 00:01:49 Opening scene Mama is a witch 00:03:26 Magic pool visions 00:04:30 There she is 00:07:27 Enter Basil as Lodac 00:09:53 Mission to save the Princess 00:12:58 Magic birthday gifts 00:21:53 Meanwhile in lockup 00:26:23 Lodac s ogre CultCinemaClassics