Cyberpunk 2077 REDStreams: Patch 1. 5, Next Gen Update Overview
Watch REDStreams, 2 Alicja Kozera (Community Manager), Amelia Kołat (Senior Community Manager), Filip Marcinkowski (Gameplay QA) and Paweł Sasko (Quest Director) discuss the contents of patch 1. 5, free DLCs and the nextgen update Patch 1. 5 is live on all platforms. Cyberpunk 2077 is an openworld, actionadventure RPG set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour, and body modification. You play as a cyberpunk mercenary taking on the most powerful forces of the city in a fight for glory and survival. Fully customize your character and playstyle as you take on jobs, build your reputation, and unlock upgrades. The relationships you forge and the choices you make will shape the story and the world around you. Legends are made here. What will yours be Available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Google Stadia, Xbox Series X, S or PlayStation 5. Buy now: Learn more: