Queens Messenger Story (1952)
Queen s messenger story. London, England and Vienna, Austria. C, U Silver Greyhound Medal of Queen s Foreign Service Messengers. M, S s people working in Foreign Office. M, S as clerk takes package from confidential files. Various shots of the files for different countries. M, S as car stops and messenger alights and enters. M, S messenger walking through office. M, S as he arrives at desk and a woman hands him a pen and a paper. Various shots as she opens his giant size passport. C, U as messenger talks to woman, she gives him his passport back and he walks off. M, S as he checks destination of bags and a man takes them away. Various shots as the man dumps the bags on the chute. M, S as messenger arrives at car as bags are taken from chute and thrown into the back. M, S as he gets in and it drives away. M, S of London Airport, camera pans to its sign. M, S s of Foreign Office car sweeping past and into airport. M, S as messenger hails man with trolley. C, U Foreign Office badge on car. C, U as the messen