The 90s AVENGERS Teaser Trailer, Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron, AI Concept
Check out my 90 s AVENGERS Teaser Trailer starring Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron It s a retro concept envisioning what a Hollywood A, B list AVENGERS franchise might have looked like in the 1990s. I ve used to bring this vision to life. Enjoy the trailer, and if you do, please like, comment, and subscribe for more weekly videos like this , avengers, teasertrailer, marvel, the90savengers, The90sAvengersTrailer, 90sAvengersTrailer CAST: 00:00 Intro 00:12 Morgan Freeman: Nick Fury 00:20 Mel Gibson: Iron Man 00:28 Joseph GordonLevitt: SpiderMan 00:36 Dolph Lundgren: Captain America 00:44 Charlize Theron: Captain Marvel 00:52 Sandra Bullock: Black Widow 01:00 Brad Pitt: Winter Soldier 01:08 Will Smith: Falcon 01:16 Liam Neeson: Thor 01:24 Johnny Depp: Loki 01:32 Antonio Banderas: Doctor Strange 01:40 Jaleel White: Bruce Banner, Hulk 01:48 Bruce Willis: Hawkeye 01:56 Ben Stiller: AntMan 02:04 Winona Ryder: The Wa