The Most Controversial Unreleased Game Investigating Six Days in Fallujah
Please consider supporting us on Patreon: We d like to thank Nathan Cheever, the lead mission designer on Six Days in Fallujah, for assisting and advising us on this project. If you d like to find out more about the game, he has a page dedicated to it here: After the release of the criticallyacclaimed firstperson shooter Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the video game market was perpetually flooded with warthemed games for a decade. Openworld levels and exotic weapons commonly seen in the likes of iconic shooters from the nineties these including DOOM, Quake, and Duke Nukem 3D were dropped in favor of linear levels and realistic weaponry. Game plots were no longer mere backdrops for the action, and a large cast of characters would be integral to whats going on. The days of macho, musclebound, onemanarmy protagonists was over. While most modern military shooters were works of fiction loosely based on contemporary events,