Massive A5 WAGYU steak REVERSE Sandwich ( 10, 000 calories)
Check out Genshin Impact here: Thanks to Genshin Impact for sponsoring this video. Use code XBRSDNF6BP4R (Dec 5th Jan 30th) to get 60 Primogems and 5 Adventurer s Experience ,Sponsored Back in the kitchen this Holiday season cooking up one of the most REDICULOUS food creations I ve ever made 3 1lb Japanese A5 Wagyu Steak, tons of cheese and Potatoes, and a suspicious looking sauce. . Happy Holidays everybody Enjoy Socials Stuff FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITCH TIKTOK TWITTER WEBSITE MERCH STONIE BOWLS Mailing Address: P. O. Box 28519 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Credits: Royalty Free Music by audiom