Adolf Jensen: Murmuring Zephyr
Original title: Murmelndes Lüftchen (for Voice and Piano) From set: Sieben Gesänge aus dem spanischen Liederbuche von Emanuel Geibel und Paul Heyse (7 songs from spanish song book of Emanuel Geibel and Paul Heyse), in this song by P. Heyse Publishing date: 1864 Dedication: Fritz Weiss Piano arrangement by Rudolf Niemann. Adolf Jensen (12 January 1837 23 January 1879) was a German pianist, composer and music teacher, and was the brother of Gustav Jensen (18431895) who was a violinist and composer. Jensen was born in 1837 in Königsberg to a family of musicians. Although largely selftaught, he also had instruction from other people. In 1856 Jensen went to Russia to teach in the hope of earning enough money to take lessons with Robert Schumann with whom he had been in correspondence. However, Schumann had died in the interim. In 1857 he became was the music director of the Posen City Theater. From 1858 until 1860 he lived in Copenhagen and be