4 EVERwith WEME: HAPPY 4 TH ANNIVERSARY WEKI MEKI from ki lings from Russia Belarus
Kiling from Russia Belarus congratulation Weki Meki with their 4tg debut anniversary In the video, we talked about how we found out about Weki Meki, what we love about them, what they inspired us to do and etc. Participated in the video: Lena, Regina, Alesya, Kristina, Karina, Polina project mail: Dance covers: NATTI DANCE TEAM Picky Picky : GeneSIS Cool : HIGH HEELS DAZZLE DAZZLE : HIGH HEELS OOPSY : HIGH HEELS Picky Picky : GIRLS LINE La La La + intro: 2DAY Picky Picky : MALYGIN Crush : ht