What if Milky Ways was a Bossfight Fanmade JSAB Animation
CHAPTERS: 0:00 Introduction 0:24 Level Selection 0:52 Main Level 3:15 End Screen Feel free to donate to my Kofi if you like my stuff Kindly keep these things in mind as the video premieres to avoid being muted from the live chat. Avoid spamming. Be respectful to others. Avoid excessive caps. Refrain from sending excessive punctuation marks. Selfpromotion is highly discouraged. Suspicious links are not allowed. Just don t be a meanie and everything will be ok :) Nevertheless, I hope ya ll have fun watching It s finally here Milky Ways a bossfight by Bossfight I think I focused a little too much on visuals that I sacrificed difficulty, so I apologize if it looks a little too easy. But anyways, thank you so much for watching my very first video for 2021 Cheers to more fanmade levels (and hopefully, faster).