MV NUEST(뉴이스트) Good Bye Bye(굿 바이 바이)
MV NU EST(뉴이스트) Good Bye Bye(굿 바이 바이) LOEN MUSIC s New Brand Name, 1theK 로엔뮤직의 새이름 1theK English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on CC button or activate Interactive Transcript function) :: iTunes DL : The title song Good Bye Bye on NU EST s first regular album Re:BIRTH shows NU EST s colors with its dreamy, emotional sounds and soft lyrics. NU EST members each portrays a man who s learning to let go of his love, and his past. NU EST has been trying to come up with new looks and styles. On their first regular album, members put a lot of time and effort into showing their fans growth and improvement. NU EST is back with a natural charm and strong colors that anyone can definitely look forward to. 1theK FB : 1theK TW : 1theK G+ : ニューイーストの1stフルアルバムReBIRTHのリード曲Good Bye Byeは特有の夢幻的な雰囲気と感性的なメロディーに対話するような歌詞