Battle of the Bulge: A Battlefield 1942 Map Reimagined, Battlefield Portal Gameplay
Battlefield 2042 introduces Battlefield Portal, a playermade platform that features assets from the entire series, including classic Battlefield maps. Check out footage from The Battle of the Bulge of Battlefield 1942 fame, reimagined through the lens of Battlefield Portal. You can expect the same weapons, classes, vehicles, and rulesets that made the original so great, but with modern graphics and feel. We hope you enjoy this Battlefield 2042 gameplay. , , S U B S C R I B E Don t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage Subscribe to the channel: , , FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, , , READ GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE 1 Year Digital Subscription for 1 Year Physical Subscription for , , M E R C H Show