Review: Landsknecht Emporium Prototype Hungarian Sabre
A review of a prototype Hungarian Sabre by Landsknecht Emporium. The sabre was acquired through Landsknecht Emporium and they were aware that there was probably going to be a review. If there is anything that you are interested in concerning this sword that the review did not touch, feel free to leave us a comment and we will try to get back to you on that. Stats: Length of the grip: 10, 5cm Thickness of Grip: 1, 9 2, 1cm Width of Grip: 3, 2 2, 7cm Length of the blade: 77cm Thickness of Cross: 15 9 15mm Width of Cross: 23cm Taper: 3, 6 3 3, 1 4 1cm Distal Taper: 6 2 3 3 5mm Weight: 920g Point of Balance: 19cm Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:13 Formalities 003:27 Review 15:31 Weights and Measures 15:36 Pictures 16:23 Sabre Sparring + + + + + + Disclaimer: The content of this video is for research purposes and recreational historical fencing. It does not constitute as self defense instruction or advice. When practicing a