English Country Garden SD 480p
This short video shows my traditional English cottage type garden at its best in early July. Most, if not all the plants shown are grown here in my greenhouse from seed or by cloning. The monkey puzzle at the front of the house was bought as a 30cm sapling in 1999, and as you see it has achieved 7 metres of growth. The box balls were started off as tiny plants about 1999. All the chimney pots and tubs have been bought, acquired over the past 30 years. I usually line the tubs or pots with a plastic plant pot to preserve them. Gardening is my life passion, and without it my life would be empty, therefore I feel for all those households in cities who seldom enjoy the sweet pleasure of gardening. I regularly support a local gardening charity who provide an invaluable service to gardeners who find it physically hard to maintain their gardens. They are; The Green Team, and they are based in Goole East Yorkshire. Thank you for taking the trouble to watch my video and for readi