Creepy Creepers from Creepville 2 ( Preview)
Creepy Creepers From Creepville 2 is a scary, creepy, horrific and terrifying lullaby and modern sound design album with eerie soundscapes and brooding drones, ghostly kids voices from beyond the grave, heart stopping, unsettling, and bonechilling piercing screams, evil whispers, and sinister ominous undertones from your worst nightmares. Composed by Alec Johnson, Nick Tzios, Giorgos Lorantakis, Hannu Honkonen, Brent Daniels, Daniel Lenz, Jacopo Cicatiello, Rich Davis, Andreas Kübler, Florian Wunsch, Megan McDuffee, Brooke Mitchell, Martin Cap, and Aaron James Eckardt. Album Cover Art by Ryo IshidoBrighton. Video was edited by Horror Music World. 2018 All rights Trailer Music is a registered trademark of SPM Music Group.