Pt. 2 New York Nano: Maple Nation Transmutes Neurotech Empire
Join us for a twopart encore presentation of a talk Alison McDowell, blogger at gave in Utica, NY last week. Topics touch on the gamification of life, human capital finance, quantum computing, and graphene. We ll look into neurotech research and its implications for supply chain management of impoverished people. Is artificial intelligence the endgame settler colonizer Does the billionaire class aim to transform waterbased crystalline life force into militarized antennae to break the code of life and usurp god Did Cold War radar systems provide cover to weaponize our atmosphere with frequencies and nanoparticulates Can an indigenous worldview help us transmute their planned transhumanist future from a place of peace, love, and reciprocity Saturday and Sunday 35pm EST. Slideshare here: