Executor the Ex Foedere maleknights tower challenge
Welcome to my altExe tower challenge for Hortus de Escapismo If you re not familiar with the term, a tower challenge is when operators used in one stage couldn t be used in another (or there s one operator that gets used in every stage with no repeats otherwise). It s the second variant here, featuring Exe as the lead, and no other 6stars. Actually, most of the time RNG wasn t as bad as the title implies, and I was debating whether to use this particular thumbnail at all, but then my overachiever ass got to HEEX8, and let s say I m still traumatized. So RNG badmouthing it is 00:00 HE1 00:26 HE2 00:46 HE3 01:06 HE4 01:29 HE5 01:59 HE6 02:27 HE7 02:48 HE8 04:11 HEEX1 04:49 HEEX2 05:21 HEEX3 05:52 HEEX4 06:36 HEEX5 07:03 HEEX6 10:09 HEEX7 12:07 cringefail 13:45 HEEX8 , arknights, アークナイツ, 明日方舟