Kaelthas Talks About Lord Illidan, Arthas Mal Ganis 9. 1 Wo W Shadowlands: Chains of Domination
Kael thas Talks About Arthas, Illidan Dreadlords. In 9. 1, Chains of Domination, Lady Vashj reunites with Kael, as they talk about Illidan s fate the Dreadlords infiltrating Revendreth. Kael thas remembers Arthas Kel thuzad destroying his homeland, Quel thalas. I feel edgy. Azshara s Theme: Link: Nightsong Music Link: Endscreen Theme Link 2: Please Like, Share, Subscribe to show your support Save the Murlocs and have a cookie of your choice Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now Varian Wrynn s Story Sacrifice Full Warcraft Lore Link: Illidan Stormrage s Story amp