Delta Centauri Proxima Vista
Delta Centauri Proxima Vista Prior to the merger impact, know locally as Big Bang, this Planet were a giant frosty terra on the outer outskirts of the Errgius star of the previous epoch, which in a merger collision with the advancing group of Andriomeda stars went hyper bang, subsequently in its afterlife the Nemesis neutron star, now residing at 1. 5 light years away from Earth. The terra collided with Mars, ousted it onto the outer orbit and caught into the gravitational grip the giant Marsian boulder, which we now know as the Moon, melted dramatically, having been covered with warm oceans. The Earth belongs to previous epoch Milky Way objects, but we are the Andromedan civilization. The glow of our Delta Centauri Sun, gently goldilocking our planet, the safe haven for a group of civilizations of the outer ring of Andromeda galaxy. Dmytro