Sculpting Blue Ringed Octopus ( Hapalochlaena lunulata) using polymer clay Life of Clay
Hi guys, welcome back to life of clay for another sculpting video, Kenji here your sculptor and this time i will be making the beautiful and yet venomous little kraken amongst cephalopods (seplapads); the Greater Blue Ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena hapalokleyna lunulata). This will be our first seplapads in our collections. If you like my sculpting videos, please consider subscribing and turn on the notification bell icon right next to it so you wont miss out any of our future videos. Here is the Direct Link to Subscribe. You may also like, leave your comment and share this video to your friends, and that will be appreciated. Greater Blue ringed octopus Hapalochlaena lunulata is one of the 4 highly venomous blue ringed octopuses, belonging to the family octopudidae. (Oktopodiday) Octopuses suction cups dont contain any teeth, they considered to be muscular structure and can be used to taste, smell and grip and with their tight embrace of death; the victim left