Zion is Gods habitation Howard Higashi Hymn the History of the Lords recovery
Zion is God s habitation Howard Higashi Hymn the History of the Lord s recovery 1. Zion is God s habitation. Sing praises in Zion, The city of our King. Zion, the place of His choosing Where saints are rejoicing. Here God is their salvation. Beautiful Zion, In elevation, The joy of our King, His satisfaction, The joy of the whole earth. 2. Zion: how good and how pleasant, The greatest enjoyment It s like the precious ointment. ion, how good and how pleasant, In oneness we re dwelling. The dew, oh how refreshing Beautiful Zion, in elevation. How good and how pleasant, The best enjoyment Our oneness is just Him. 3. Zion: our oneness a Person, As ointment, He s moving, As dew He is descending, Zion: our God is our dwelling, As ointment, He s strengthening, As dew, He s so supplying. Beautiful Zion, in elevation. How good and how pleasant, Man s s