Young Performers: Seiji Ozawa 小澤 征爾, Ozawa Bernstein レナード バーンスタイン New York Philharmonic
From the Young People s Concert ヤングピープルズコンサート: Young Performers No. 3 Mozart モーツァルト: Marriage of Figaro Overture Seiji Ozawa 小澤 征爾, conductor New York Philharmonic ニューヨークフィルハーモニック Leonard Bernstein presents Seiji Ozawa, who conducts the overture to The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. Also on this program, Maurice Peress and John Canarina conduct compositions featuring Gary Karr on double bass, and Bernstein discusses and conducts The Carnival of the Animals by Camille SaintSaëns. Featured are guest soloists Ruth and Naomi Segal (piano duo), Tony Cirone (xylophone), David Hopper (glockenspiel), Paula Robison (flute), and Paul Green (clarinet). Produced and directed by