When you Forget you re at a Jazz festival
I try to play jazzy half way through, but even that doesnt last long. , RockerAtHert This was taken from a Jazz festival in central London back in 2015. I love playing with these guys, I feel free to be myself with them, hence why Im rocking things up a bit here. That being said Ive always tried to push myself into the Jazzier side of things to help me grow and develop as a Musician Its far from my best performance, as I recall I couldnt hear myself too well so the intonation is rather sketchy at points but it was a fun memory that I wanted to share. Wishing everyone a great weekend. Ciao for now. Check out My Free Electric Guitar YouTube Lessons Based upon my Guitar Heroes Visit my ONLINE STORE, Full Tabs Backing with every Download. Thanks for stopping by and all the best.