Kola Peninsula Reindeer Herders Adaptation to Climate Change
Kola Peninsula Reindeer Herders Adaptation to Climate Change Dr. Maria Tysiachniouk, Maria Dugina, Yana Khmelnitskaya, Tatiana Borzenko and artist Dmitrii Novitsky. Animation by Katerina Kubereva Research on reindeer herders adaptation to climate change was conducted in 2021 during the expedition to Kola peninsula (April 12, 2021 April 25, 2021). The case study was conducted by researchers: Dr. Maria Tysiachniouk, Maria Dugina, Yana Khmelnitskaya, Tatiana Borzenko and artist Dmitrii Novitsky. We studied how reindeer herders of Krasnoschelye (KomiIzemtsi) and Lovozero (Saami) had to change their seasonal work cycle due to climate change. During winters, reindeer herders keep animals in the forest as it is easier for reindeer to find food there. In tundra, animals suffer from recurrent thaws and frosts which lead to formation of several layers of ice crust within the snow cover. In springtime, reindeer herders have difficulty with getting around on snowmobiles. Reindeer herders are most vulnerable in th