John Dowland: Lute Songs and Lute Solos (full album)
Copyright on this content is held by the original copyright owner. I do not claim ownership of this material, nor do I turn profit from it. This material is uploaded exclusively for archival and accessibility purposes. MHS 1548 JOHN DOWLAND (15631626) LUTE SONGS AND LUTE SOLOS Deborah Minkin Lute Willard Cobb Tenor Side 1: LUTE SOLOS 1. LACHRIMAE ANTIQUAE PAVAN Cambridge Univ. Library, Dd. 5. 78 2. LACHRIMAE GEMENTES PAVAN Lachrymae or Seven Teares, 1604 3. A GALLIARD TO LACHRIMAE A Pilgrims Solace, 1612 4. TARLETONES RISERRECTIONE Wickhambrooke Lutebooke, 1590 5. MRS. NICHOLS ALMAND Lachrymae or Seven Teares, 1604 6. LORD WOLLOGHBY S WELCOME HOME Washington Folger Ms. 1610. 1 7. A FANTASIA Egerton Ms. 2046 (1616) Transcribed and edited by Brian Jeffery Attributed to John Dowland. Transcribed and Edited by Brian Jeffery Side 2: SONGS 1. FLOW MY TEARES The Second Booke of Songes o