DEFENCE: World War 2: Middle East fine, says Wendell Willkie (1942)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Mr Wendell Willkie, representing US President, begins extensive tour. Troopships bring reinforcements for fight against Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Middle East Fine, Says Wendell Willkie EGYPT: Cairo: EXT Liberator bomber arriving, Wendell Willkie out of Liberator and greeted by Casey, GVs Willkie talking with officials, including Kirk and Casey Alexandria: Willkie posing with Harwood and others on steps, walking shot towards Willkie and Harwood. Troops arriving on troopship, Soldier down ganway of ship, troops on barge leaving troopship with troops lining railings behind, group of soldiers doing V sign NEAR MALTA: MEDITERRANEAN: EXT GV Destroyers in Mediterranean leading convoy, Naval officers on deck looking thru glasses, American and British aircraft carriers and cruiser under way as offi