LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME, Complete Warrior Cats MAP
LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME is a Warrior Cats MAP (multi animator project) focused on the complicated and dramatic relationship between Tigerheart and Dovewing, taking lots of inspiration from theatre This MAP is finally here and I couldn t be more proud Each animator worked SO HARD on their parts, and it truly shows It was a long wait, but it was certainly worth it. Every part really is gorgeous and I could not be more thankful to everyone who helped bring my idea to life. ANIMATOR CREDITS: EchoMist Bunny Guin Solstrike06 rivallish GhostLantern CretaCat (2d backgrounds, collab with GhostLantern and Galaxy Mew) Galaxy Mew (also did roughs for the walk cycle in part 10, collab with Laurenrdraws and Sparroet) CuteFlare Laurenrdraws Sparroet roseshards FISHSOCKS softmio ICEBUNN Puddleface Cassandra Cat (storyboards and some rough animation,