Star Wars in Ancient Greece, Ancient Greek lyre for modern soundtracks
For more videos like this, subscribe on our channel on youtube; Have you ever thought how the opening theme song of the one and only Star Wars series, would sound like if it was played during the antiquity With that in mind, a bunch of Star Wars fans (with amateur and professional music players) gathered in the premises of an old quarry in the northern part of Greece to answer this very A big thank you to the luthier Anastasios and Luthieros Team (check out their amazing work at for kindly providing us all the oneofakind ancient music instruments (chelys lyres, a barbiton lyre, an ancient Kithara of the Golden Age, a lyre of Har Meggido, an Epigonion, the lyre of Thamyris and an ancient Egyptian drum Bendir) that were used for this fanmade video Special thanks to Danis Koumartzis for his stunning orchestration, Chris Sagias for his marvelous video direction, and Nikos Varelas for h