Saulius Petreikis ( Lithuania) BOSS Loop Station World Championship 2
Saulius Petreikis (Lithuania) BOSS Loop Station World Championship 2 n this recording, you hear various horns, trompet, kanklės and Lithuanian equivalent of Pan flute performed by Saulius Petreikis in year 2011. Saulius Petreikis is a talented young man who professionally plays the trumpet and folk instruments of various nations: bansuri flute of India, flutes of China, Celtic whistles, South African instruments, Armenian duduk, Australian didgeridoo and many more. Saulius experiments with diferent sounds and vibrations, he goes deep into how music affects man and his consciousness. With the help of music he spreads light and joy to everyone s hearts, and with the help of various instruments and his creativity he grants spectacular journeys around the world and to each listener s inner experiences and reflections (video by Laimonas Staniulionis