Guns N Roses Chinese Democracy( Live In Chiba, Japan 8, 17, 2002)
Audio only. Overall a great performance both instrumental and vocalwise. The old drum arrangement is still there. The audio quality isnt excellent, but still pretty good. Audio Quality: A Audio quality ratings: A+ Flawless sound quality A Excellent sound quality, barely noticeable issues in spots A Great sound quality, has minor inconveniences overall B+ Decent sound quality, some instruments may be muffled, drowned or sound distant B Mediocre sound quality, might be a bit distorted but still listenable B Poor sound quality, evident disturbances while listening C+ Very poor sound quality, this(and anything below) only for diehard fans looking for a certain show) C Terrible sound quality, though songs might be recognizable to average listener C Atrocious sound quality, extremely difficult, in worse cases impossible to recognize the songs