K POP COVER DANCE RUSSIA Purple Kiss (퍼플키스) Nerdy, Dance Cover by Pina Colada
COMING SOON Okay, I m nerdy but I m not stupid Hello, We re Pina Colada We wanna show you our debut dance cover with purple kiss. Please, stay here and enjoy tgc: PinaColadaNEteam MEMBERS: Na Goeun Nastya (inst: anastasiatryxina); Park Jieun Nadya (tg: hhhyuka); Dosie Kate (tgc: id205882621, lupidupi); Ireh Lera (tgc: jabikkwa); Yuki Kira (tgc: kirrrrrus); Chaein Polina (tgc: pupipapapa); Swan Lilya (inst: liligdm). , PURPLEKISS, NERDY This video is only used for entertainment purposes, we do not own any of the music nor choreography