Tactical Medic Exercise Compilation
Compilation of some of the best Tactical and Medic Response Exercises Gravity has conducted with many partners over the last 5 years. Summary of utility; Medical; Akin to a Paramedic on a motorbike, or bicycle. Rapid access in difficult terrain or weather, to provide critical care for circumstances such as blood loss, breathing impairment and pain management to buy valuable time for evacuation. Military; Many scenarios both terrestrial and maritime where small groups of Specialist or Elite personnel need to move rapidly across tough terrain in any weather night or day. Fundamental infantry doctrine is founded on fire and manoeuvring (NOT firing while manoeuvring with no cover). The Jet Suit provides that manoeuvre leg with more speed, surprise (you cant hear or pin point when fast inbound to a position) and aggression over a few kms than virtually any other platform. Raiding, sabotage, counter ambush, OP extraction, Maritime Boarding, Counter Terror urban containment etc G