10 Favorite Michael Brecker moments transcribed
Here are some of my favorite moment of Michael Brecker from my solo transcriptions I did on his work. Keep in mind this was actually too hard and it s super subjective. On any other day the order could have been different, but it gives for a kind of selection of some highlights. Hope you enjoy it. There will be plenty Michael Brecker up in the future, that s for sure. So subscribe if you dig that, and leave a like if you like youtube to show it to others as well. 0:00 10. How to accelerate in a line 0:24 9. Freaking the sht out of everybody in a break 0:49 8. The best smooth jazz 1:15 7. His soulful playing which Randy puts in trance 2:09 6. Shreddin with Bozzio 2:36 5. The beauty of simplicity 3:26 4. The failed pick up 3:49 3. How to build a pop solo 5:13 2. Coltrane + Cannonball phrasing Brecker 6:16 1. Lull my son to sleep with my Favorite improvised moment Check out our indepth courses at: If yo