Fabio Macarena, Wicked Game
One of the many TV shows I watched during quarantine last year was Vis a Vis (also known as Locked Up). It s a Spanish show about a young woman named Macarena who goes to prison for fiscal offenses and ends up getting entangled in a web of corruption, betrayal and revenge between both inmates and officials. She also ends up getting romantically involved with Fabio, one of the prison guards, but their relationship is doomed from the beginning. I really liked the dynamic between Fabio and Macarena, so that s why I started this video as soon as I finished watching the show. It took me about a year to finish it, but here it is now. I hope you like it. :) , fanvidfeed, fabioandmacarena, visavis, fabioymacarena, fabioandmaca, fabioymaca, fabirena ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Song: Wicked Game by Gemma Hayes. Coloring by: kindon18 (, 161). Fonts: Comfortaa (tag); Leo Arrow and Lemon (text at the