Summer Fashion 1971, The Archivist Presents, ,308
Summer weather here in the UK has been variable this year. I would love it to be balmy enough for some of these outfits from 1971 though. Portugal provides the perfect backdrop for the latest range of summer fashions. The country s magnificent hotels, the golden beaches and the vineyards all complement the newest ideas in leisure wear or fun wear for the holiday maker. GV exterior hotel Ofir in Portugal, car arrives pan up to hotel name. SV man and girl toward camera. GV man on diving board. LV zoom in boy waves from board. SCU girl covers with hands, then takes away wearing black bikini. GV interior bedroom, walks out. 2 walk towards, female long shorts and short shorts are featured. BV grandad outfits. 2 men out of changing room. LV dive into water group in Barcelos. CU shirt pan to face. CU other man. LV Portugal beach pan down. SCU takes robes off. SV man s trunks pan to house. SV men help girl onto horse. CU trunks (men s)