David Pack I Just Cant Let Go ft. Michael Mc Donald James Ingram ( Official Music Video)
In Tribute To A Beloved Friend Legendary Artist James Ingram. This original 1985 recording by Michael McDonald, James Ingram, and David, was remixed remastered to create this first time ever new video. A Brief History About This Song: It was written by David for his 1985 solo debut album Anywhere You Go on Warner Bros. records expressly to feature Michael James. The original version of the song went top10 on Billboard charts. In the mid90 s this version was rearranged and produced by Oliver Leiber, Shaun LaBelle and David for the Ambrosia Anthology LP as a bonus track. The original vocals were kept, but David Michael added new vocal improvs, and the great Everette Harp added a sax solo. Decades later, David discovered that fans had created hundreds of videos online of this song that inspired him to finally create his own video and dedicate it to James. The original 85 demo vocals by James, Michael, and