How To Actually Get Hired In 2024
FREE Web Dev Roadmap PDF: Landing a developer job used to be quite easy. As long as you were a decent programmer you could land a high paying job at a respectable tech company. Over the last few years, though, this has drastically changed and now landing a tech job is increasingly difficult. That is why in this video I go over the main tips you need to keep in mind to ensure you get more interviews and are able to land your dream job. Materials, References: FREE Web Dev Roadmap PDF: Find Me Here: My Blog: My Courses: Patreon: Twitter: Dis. .., WebDevSimplified, webdevsimplified, howtolandatechjob, howtolandadeveloperjob, developerjob, howtolandadevjob, javascriptjob, webdevjob, webdeveloperjob, howtobecomeawebdeveloper 20240130 a6IIhwZv4ls