My Sweet Lolita Life
Hiya lolita fashion youtubers I created this video meme for you to do if you wish :) It s aimed more at people who wear lolita regularly or have elements of the lolita lifestyle in their lives, but if you feel that you can answer all the questions go for it QUESTIONS: 1. First, introduce yourself in your latest outfit 2. Show off your lolita fashion collection 3. Film your lolita vanity or desk 4. Is your workplace or study lolitathemed 5. Do you sleep in a bed fit for a lolitawearer 6. Where is your favourite place to be to feel a little more lolita 7. What makeup do you use when wearing lolita fashion 8. What notsololita things do you enjoy in life Sorry I seem quite derpy in this video. Oo; ; And the lighting is bad. Oh wells ; DISCLAIMER: The music used is for entertainment and nonprofit purposes only. I am not the creator of the music it is from Animal Crossing and Sonic R, gam