Summoner Showcase Issue, 48 Unique and Utility
Click here to signup and play League of Legends for free: HamexD s new art piece has fierce content and intimidating skill. Éclat is a lady of a thousand faces and has a step by step guide for how to attain the looks of the League Fiendle does it again by creating an ornate, beautiful doll. Infernalzxz boils out champions down to their simplest not literally Just artistically. SodaReaper found a way to make duct tape even more useful, with a stylish and unconventional wallet. HondaFoo s painting of the Sheriff nearly makes our heads explode with awesome. Saranae should either open a nightclub or start a League LAN center to house these Annie, Kog Maw and Lux neon signs. Such is the price of genius,