Hatsune Miku 裏表ラバーズ( Two Faced Lovers) English Subbed
from nicovideo: Music by 現実逃避P)さま PV by y0641983 さま English Translation subtitle by KataGatar Cotranslation by Neibaku さま Note The lyrics of this song talk about the confusing dilemma about love, so they are necessarily confusing. There might be other interpretations by other translators. You might heard that this song is about a pregnant woman, but that is not true. The Japanese word 孕む(haramu) means to possess potentially and also to be And this video(made by y0641983) has an illustration which expresses this doublemeaning word metaphorically. But pregnancy is not the main theme of this song. (I translated this word as collecting because the word is used with a causative preposition) Lyrics: Everything went well on my dream, and I awoke to