New: Twin Peaks Scope in Nobe Omni Scope
Nobe OmniScope now includes the Twin Peaks Scope, a specialized Diamond shaped display, which is commonly used in television production to ensure accurate color grading and compliance with broadcast standards. The scope trace visualizes the relative levels of red, green, and blue channels offering a clear understanding of color distribution and balance. In addition to channel visualization, Twin Peaks highlights legal color gamut boundaries in both RGB and YCbCr color spaces. By overlaying diamondshaped plots, they reveal areas where color signals exceed broadcast standards, enabling colorists to identify and correct gamut errors quickly and adhere to legal broadcast requirements. In this video, we invited special guest colorist, Chad Smith from Massive Clouds to demonstrate how and why he uses the diamond style scope in his color workflow. Twin Peaks is a feature found in Nobe OmniScope Pro version only. For more information, please visit: Download a free 15 Day Trial: Find Chad Smith at