HSK 3 Chinese Vocabulary: HSK3 Nouns ( Part 2, 9), Intermediate Chinese Vocabulary
Chinese Basic Nouns HSK 3 Nouns with Example Sentences Part 2, HSK 3 Lesson Practice Test Learn Intermediate Chinese Lessons We continue to learn nouns of HSK level 3 part 2, including nouns of time, subject, natural scene, food, container and some abstract nouns, which are HSK level 3 listening, grammar required. In addition, there is a language tip at the end of this video to help you understand Chinese better. Learn all of Intermediate Chinese hsk3 Lessons with exercises: Chinese Nouns of HSK3 Part 1: Time in Chinese 00:22 Part 2: Subject 04:02 Part 3: Natural scene 05:34 Part 4: Food in Chinese 07:20 Part 5: Container in Chinese 08:43 Part 6: Abstract nouns in Chinese 09:48 Part 7: Unit 14:16 Part 8: Chinese Language Tip 15:00 Quiz questions: Nǐ zuì xǐ huan shén me jì jié Wèi shén me 1. 你最喜欢什么季节为什么 Which season do you like best Why Tí gāo Hàn yǔ shuǐ píng, duì nǐ de shēng huó huì yǒu shén me yǐng xiǎng 2. 提高汉语水平对你的生活会有什么影响 How will improving your Chinese lan