Doug and the Slugs Making It Work (1982) Official
From the album Music For The Hard Of Thinking (1982). Description by Simon Kendall of dougandtheslugsofficial. Making it Work is pretty selfexplanatory, starring Doug as an insecure porn star with his merry band of pranksters the band appearing as Helping Hand Sex Therapists. For costumes we got our stencilled lab coats and various hightech sex toys including a feather duster and turkey baster. Johns Dr Strangelove character was a foretaste of things to come Dr Strangelove was the house band at Vancouvers Roxy Nightclub in the early 90s and included 3 Slugs: John, Richard Wally. In the video Steve Bosley has excellent Albert Einstein hair and is armed with his trusty toilet plunger, I have nerd glasses and too much brylcreem but I cant remember what my sex toy The video was shot by Rick and Stan primarily at the iconic 2400 Motel on Kingsway, which miraculously still exists. After a scary moment viewing the 5page centrefold in Playgirl Magazine, Doug ha