Some Like it Hot 1959 Synopsis
Title: Some Like It Hot (1959) Synopsis: Some Like It Hot is a classic American comedy film directed by Billy Wilder and starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon. Set in the Prohibition era of the 1920s, the movie weaves together elements of screwball comedy, romance, and mistaken identities. The story revolves around two struggling musicians, Joe (Tony Curtis) and Jerry (Jack Lemmon), who witness a brutal gangland massacre in Chicago. Fearing for their lives, they need to find a way to escape the city quickly. When they learn about an allfemale band that is heading to Florida for a series of gigs, they hatch a daring plan to disguise themselves as women and join the band to avoid detection by the mob. As Josephine and Daphne, the two musicians manage to successfully integrate into the female band, led by the talented and attractive ukulele player, Sugar Kane Kowalczyk (Marilyn Monroe). Joe, now Josephine, immediately falls