10 BEST Champions to Carry Early Game League of Legends
Trying to figure out the best ways to carry in solo queue Dominating the early game is a great way to tilt your opponents and get a strong lead Watch this video to find out who can win lane and win game. Want access to courses from your favorite pros and 24, 7 coaching for only Check us out at 0:00 Intro 0:31 Darius 1:32 Akshan 3:11 Olaf 4:21 Warwick 5:21 Pantheon 6:26 Heimerdinger 7:41 QOTD 8:04 Samira 9:18 Lucian 10:31 Karma 12:00 Brand 13:10 Outro What is ProGuides ProGuides is the only website you need to get better at your favorite game. We produce the best guides in the world with every major Pro to make you better FAST. Follow ProGuides on: Facebook: Twitter: Discord: Reddit: , league, proguides