The pilot rescued the BEAR CUB, who now considers him his DAD
In 2016, this little bear cub was found near a private airport. He couldn t survive without help, so the pilots named him Mansur and brought him to the airport, where they built a spacious enclosure. Sometimes they would bring him with them to work on the planes, and so Mansur became the world s first avia bear. Mansur has formed a special relationship with one of the pilots Andrej, he thinks of him as a father or an older brother and always respects his authority. His favorite game is wrestling with his father, and it is amazing how the bear controls his strength. With him, this dangerous beast becomes a gentle teddy bear. Mansur is a very modern bear. He earns his own money. It is very expensive to keep the bear, so the pilots organized 24 live streams on Youtube to raise funds for the bear. Mansur YouTube channel If you would like to suggest a story to tell or have any copyright