Speech given at Scarborough labour party conference (1951)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Clement Attlee gives speech to open the labour party conference Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Labour Party Conference SCOTLAND: Scarborough: EXT, INT ATTLEE CLEMENT. P. M. Arrives with wife at Labour Party Conference at Scarboroug 1951. . makes speech to delegates re Labour Programme MRS ATTLEE. Arrives at Scarborough for Labour Party Conference 1951. with Clem. . Attlee speaks re Labour Programme BEVAN ANEURIN. M. P. Talking with his supporters at Scarborough at Labour Party Conference up shots BRADDOCK MRS BESSIE M. P. at Labour Party Conference at Scarborough 1951. DALTON HUGH. M. P At Labour Party Conference 1951 at Scarborough LABOUR PARTY. 1951 Conference held at Morrison Bevan, Mrs Braddock, Mrs Summerskill, Dalton. shots of delegates etc. . Speaks by At