Uganda Passes Bill Imposing Death Penalty for Homosexuality RT Documentary
Uganda passes bill imposing death penalty for homosexuality. The bill, which makes it illegal to identify as LGBTQ in Uganda, is now waiting for the presidents signature. The country is one of over 30 African states that have already outlawed samesex relations. Now, gay sex will be punishable with life in prison and aggravated homosexuality by death. That makes the Ugandan law one of the harshest in the world. Find more on the topic in our video. The legislation quickly attracted heavy criticism abroad. The US even promised that there might be repercussions in an economic way should this law actually get passed. However, the majority of net users seem to support it. Some also note the US should solve their domestic problems instead of prying into another countrys affairs. Do you agree with them , rt, rtdocumentary, documentary, youtube, watch, world, life, people, rtdoc, LGBT, Uganda, sex, gay, Africa, law, illegal