Ex husbands offer to help Nargis find Rasul
In today s video, Hadi comes alone to see Narges and mentions that Eisa is busy in the city and cannot join them, while Mohammad Reza will arrive in about an hour. Consequently, Narges and Hadi start working on the house construction alone and realize they don t have enough water to make concrete. Meanwhile, Mohammad Reza arrives, and together they gather stones to create a solid foundation for the courtyard walls. Narges, besides assisting in construction, also cooks and takes care of her two children. After a while, Narges s exhusband, Mehdi, arrives and requests to see his children. Narges allows him, and Mehdi brings some toys for his kids. He also inquires about Narges s exhusband and suggests finding him and bringing him back, but Narges remains skeptical, stating that he left them because of Mehdi. After playing with his children and having lunch, they all get into the car and head back home. , ConstructionLife, HomeBuilding, FamilyMoments, DIYHome, ParentingJourney