Midgard Duchy of Atlantis
In the story of The Atlantean, the aquatic realm of Midgard, a grand Duchy and steadfast ally of the legendary Atlantis, serves as the ancestral home of Kára, daughter of Duke Harald, ruler of Midgard. Tucked away in the icy waters off the coast of Svalbard, Midgard is a land steeped in wonder and ageold enigmas, where snowcapped peaks rise majestically above the frostladen tundra. For Kára, the most thrilling way to traverse the rugged terrain is upon the backs of robotic Spartan lions, their mechanical prowess a testament to her ingenuity. Music: Rendezvous on the Tundra taken from the score to The Atlantean. , theatlantean, atlantis, midjourney, udiomusic, scifi, midgard, movie 2024 The Atlantean